
61, rue Sainte Cécile
J6T 1L8
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The proposed experience

A hidden treasure on land or in the water located less than 50 minutes away from Montréal. The city center is the perfect spot for both water activity enthusiasts and urban strollers looking to enjoy a pleasant walk along the promenade of the old canal. With its marina, central wharves and docks on the old canal, the City boasts more than 500 wharf spaces; it is a must-see stop-over on Lake St. François. Those without sea legs can still enjoy the sight of the dozen water crafts and vessels that roam the seaway during warm summer evenings. Located in the downtown core of the City, Parc Delpha-Sauvé is home to a myriad of large-scale shows and activities, and gives visitors access to 140 km of bike paths. Within short walking distance from the park and old canal, visitors will find commercial streets with specialized boutiques, as well as a dozen distinctive restaurants with terraces.


Electric vehicule charging station

Cities and towns

Population 42 410
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